St. Paul's Episcopal Church11100 32 Mile Road
Mail: P.O. Box 148
Romeo, Michigan 48065
Phone (586)752-3212
Parish Wide Retreat
St. Paul’s Mission — Seeking Christ, Serving Christ and Sharing Christ with All People — is very familiar to the majority of St. Paul’s congregation. Rev. Ronda and the Vestry invite the congregation to join them at a Kick Off Retreat as we begin planning a new church year. Among the things we will be discussing are the ways we are currently fulfilling our mission and ways to expand our mission to meet the needs of the congregation and the Romeo community. The Retreat is scheduled for Tuesday, September 24th from 1:30 pm to approximately 4:00 pm at the home of Senior Warden, Ellie Stryker. Snacks and drinks will be provided. Please plan to join us. We value your presence and wisdom.
Mission Trip Update
One of St. Paul’s longest and most successful outreach programs has been our yearly mission trip to Grace House on the Mountain in the heart of the Appalachian Mountains in Virginia. Susan and Mike Wilson once again represented St. Paul’s and joined a group of fourteen volunteers who provided essential home improvements that enhanced the quality of life for residents in need. I have posted Susan’s complete report on the bulletin board in the coffee area. This is a perfect example of seeking, serving and sharing Christ. Talk with Susan or Mike if you want more information or if you think you would like to join the group next year.
Samaritan House fundraiser
Join Samaritan House for a night full of Fun, Food & Fashion on Thursday, October 17th from 6:00 pm-10:00pm. Tickets are $50.00 (Advanced sales only). For more information or to buy tickets, see the poster at the church or contact Linda Willen.
Men's Group
The Men's Group meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at Thee Office Pub & Cookery in downtown Romeo. The next meeting will be August 13th. All men are welcome.
Sisters Book Club
Sisters Book Club will be meeting on September 19th at noon at the home of Pat Kruizenga. Pat will be providing lunch, so please let her know if you plan to attend. This month’s book selection is Mad Honey by Jodi Picoult and Jennifer Finney Boylan. Mad Honey is "a riveting novel of suspense, an unforgettable love story, and a moving and powerful exploration of the secrets we keep and the risks we take in order to become ourselves.” Our October book selection is The Birthday House by Ami McKay.
Interfaith Volunteer Services
If you know of any senior citizens that are disabled and/or low income that need light housekeeping or indoor/outdoor light maintenance please contact Reverend Ronda Johnson. Interfaith Volunteer Caregivers, a non-profit volunteer service, is broadening their reach into the Romeo area and is looking for people to assist. Please check out their website if you are interested in becoming a volunteer!