St. Paul's Episcopal Church11100 32 Mile Road
Mail: P.O. Box 148
Romeo, Michigan 48065
Phone (586)752-3212
Lenten Soup Suppers
Please note the change in the starting time. By starting earlier, we hope to be finished before it is too dark. We are doing the suppers a little differently this year. Beginning on Wednesday, March 12th at 5:30 pm (and each Wednesday during Lent) we will gather at a Ellie S's home to share fellowship, a brief prayer session, and a simple (soup and salad) meal. There is a sign-up sheet for the food in the coffee area.
Eucharist Home Visits
Eucharist Home Visits are available to anyone in the congregation unable to attend our Sunday services. To schedule a home communion with Rev. Ronda or one of our licensed Eucharistic lay ministers, call the church office or talk with Rev. Ronda or Ellie Stryker.
Parish Directory
Our Pastoral Ministry Lay Leader, Sue Kraetke, is working on compiling information (address, phone number, email address, birthday/anniversary ) for a new parishioner’s directory and phone notification list. As we approach winter, it is important to have correct information in the event we have weather-related service cancellations.
Vestry News
The next Vestry meeting will be after the church service on Sunday, March 16. Meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend. Vestry Meeting minutes and St. Paul’s financial statements are posted on the bulletin board in the coffee area.
Men's Group
The Men's Group meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at Thee Office Pub & Cookery in downtown Romeo. The next meeting will be March 11. All men are welcome.
Sisters Book Club
The next Sister's Book Club meeting will be on March 13th at Ellie Stryker’s. Our March book selection is The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Brady — a murder mystery that takes place in the summer of 1950. We will discuss both the February and March books.